Friday, April 23, 2010

Are Your Biscuits Tasty?

Are your biscuits tasty?

It makes my whole day when that frisky old dude calls me Suga' pie.

It adds a little spring to my step when his friend gives me a playful thwack with his cane.

Sure, I'll go get you a take out box for your TINY-ASS bite of pie!

We'll be closed from 12-7 on Monday for the installation of a walker corral.

Old people blow their nose alot!

Why do they keep the tissue up their sleeves?

I can see that your salt shaker workout is really paying off!

The pie case is NOT my tummy's personal playground? I beg to differ.

Can't eat eggs because you're lactose intolerant? But banana cream pie is fine? You make my eye twitch.

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